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Heroes of Loot: Class Based Rouge-Like

Developer: Orange Pixel

Publisher: Orange Pixel

Format: IOS, Android, BlackBerry, PC

Heroes of Loot is probably the only game by OrangePixel that I don't hate. It's a top down shooter rouge-like with different classes. It's a neat little experience, especially when you're on the go. It is a rouge-like, so if you die everything resets, including the levels, monsters, and all the difficulty. The main fault with this game is that it essentially devolves into a pretty mindless run an gun.

The mechanics are very simple. All you really do is hold down the shoot button and run around. The aiming is automatic, which makes running around the only real active mechanic. There are 4 classes with one unlock-able one, those classes being the warrior, the elf, the wizard, and the valkyrie. While they all work in the exact same way, they all have slightly different stats, making some classes indisputably better than others. The warrior and the elf tend to be the best, simply because they always do a lot of damage and in the warrior's case take a lot of damage. The valkyrie and wizard can use magic longer, but because you can only use magic when you obtain runes, and it's only a limited time thing, it's never something you want to rely on(especially because the runes suck).

There are lots in terms of enemy variety, especially as you go on. There's pretty much two types of enemies: Those who attack by running up to you, and those who attack by shooting at you. They really just look different and become tougher, but that really makes it feel different in such a fast paced game such as this one. Each dungeon is filled with lots of the little guys, giving a sort of life to the dungeon you're in. It can feel very barren when you clear out all the enemies though.

Your main goal in every dungeon is to kill monsters, collect gold, and get the key so you can unlock the exit and go the the next dungeon(so you can do it all over again). As you do this there are also a few other things to do, like the shop and quest rooms. The shop is simple enough. You walk in there, the shopkeep tells you what the one item on sale is and for how much, and if you want to buy it you just walk right up. Theres a different thing for each dungeon, so it's almost always looking into the shop. The quest room is pretty simple as well. You are given a task(like to kill however many of one enemy, or free however many captives), and have a given amount of time to complete it. If don't get it done there's no penalty, but if you do complete it you get whatever reward you were promised.

So while it's not the best game out there, Heroes of Loot is a mindless time waster for those who don't mind it. The art style is a simple, pixelated art style, but doesn't stop the masses of enemies from making it look confusing. It's a neat little experience that isn't too bad, making it great by OrangePixel standards.

Aww Yeah!


I do lots of writing, but also dabble in videos.


I write about whatever I want, but it's mostly games.


Also, excellent taste in VGM.

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