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Video Game Music Compilation 25

Alright, so BattleBlock Theater did a lot of things right, especially for what it was going for in terms of theme. It's silly in a perfect way to where you can still take it seriously as a game. This is due to lots of things, like the art, narration, and the most important one for the subject of this post, the music. It perfectly fits that whacky style that the game does so well, which is why I'm going over my favorite tracks in the OST.

Main Theme - BattleBlock Theater

Starting off with a a somewhat eerie beginning with the style of instruments you'd only find at an old-school carnival or theater setting. Then it settles down with a much more calm melody using a trumpet-like instrument. It's got that sort of that calm yet reasonably filled with energy feeling with an old-school carnival theme layered over it. It's a good tune to kinda give a calm nod towards where this crazy game is gonna go.

Level 6 Theme - BattleBlock Theater

Giving an ever-so present atmosphere that can be summed up with the phrase "dastardly shenanigans". I think thats pretty fitting. It's actually a really serious tune, but doesn't really feel out of place amongst all the wackiness. It sort of pulls you away from all the hilarity of what for playing and kinda makes you feel as if you were in the situation of the player character. It opens up that mental barrier and lets you realize the magnitude of the game's crazy plot.

Level 7 Theme - BattleBlock Theater

The music in level 7 is essentially starts off with a beat that is reminiscent of Donkey Kong Country 2's Lava Theme with that same effect layer onto it as the Main Theme. It then snaps out of that effect and just plays that melody with no filters. It's catchy and adventurous, and that added effect keeps it within the theme of the whole game. It's a short tune, but it's catchiness due to a strong base melody more than makes up for that. Again, it's really reminding me of Donkey Kong Country 2.

Panic Version - BattleBlock Theater

Jeez, the usage of guitars and that weird alien instrument thing is just grand in this piece. It first blends these two things together to where they're both on the same track in terms of tone, but are different in the way they do it. It's got a really out-of-this-world style of dastardly that sets a really badass tone for the beginning of the piece, making it the most addictive part. It them becomes a bit more chaotic from there, changing to different melodies and instruments ever so often.

Secret Stage Theme - BattleBlock Theater

If I was describe this in a a short description, I'd probably go like this: Its like if the Scatman has down-syndrome, ADHD, and maybe a touch of Schitzrophenia. It's literally a collage of this one man dissolving in his own insanity. It's so hilarious that it's the sole reason I've done this VGMC. It's fabulous in how outrageous it is. It's one of those songs that while it's mainly vocals, you'll only occasionally hear any actual words, which are hilarious in this piece by the way.

So yeah. The guy who is actually responsible for all the art, narration, and music is a guy called Stamper, who after this and his appearance on Table Flip I highly respect.

Aww Yeah!


I do lots of writing, but also dabble in videos.


I write about whatever I want, but it's mostly games.


Also, excellent taste in VGM.

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