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Video Game Music Compilation 21

Aw yeah. Music from vidja games. It's all beautiful and what not so here's yet another installment in the series dedicated to them. No theme this time around, so just some random music from random games. All good stuff, I assure you that much.

*Listen to the music via the links provided*

Beta-B - To The Moon

Having a really dastardly feeling to it, this piece is a tad bit on the suspenseful side of things. It does a pretty good job of blending piano, violins, chorus, and even electronic notes in there. It's not exactly catchy, yet you can still find a way to go along with it as you listen(like you should be doing). It's the type of suspenseful theme that seems to replicate the climax of a mystery of grand proportions. That's quite an atmosphere to immerse yourself into.

Right Behind You - Team Fortress 2

Sticking to the whole suspenseful side of things, this song is beautiful. It's got that feeling down to a science. It gives off a very noire feeling, like most songs in the TF2 soundtrack. The use of the piano, tuba, and other brass-pipe instruments is extremely eerie. It's transitions from the booming parts and the subtle ones is done in a way where, while they are sudden, don't feel too sudden. It's good for any sort of horror environment.

Levels Music - Runes of Shalak

This was surprises, being the only good thing to come out of this game. The chip-tunes here are catchy and exciting, even a bit jokey. It's a really fun tune, which would sum up the game if it didn't suck so badly. The only problem is that there is a lot going on sometimes, making everything drown out everything else. The parts where it takes most of that craziness out is where it gets really good, allowing you to really appreciate it.

Under the Ocean - Super Monkey Ball 2

This tune really does have a fitting name. For the most part, this song represents the mystic thrill of the oceanic depths. It's not really that catchy, but the tunes are still ones that would find very fitting while you are having a ball (no pun intended) in the ocean deep. It's got such an outlandish and even spacey style to it, making it fit beautifully with the ocean theme. It's just really gripping when the game is being played.

Aquarium Park(Act 4) - Sonic Colors

While a serene atmosphere of an aquarium isn't exactly the one you'd associate with the Sonic the Hedgehog's, this piece has a way of blending the two together perfectly. It's got calm moments of entrancing wonder with it's piano moments, and that catchy energy that comes with every good Sonic piece, done via electronic notes. It's sudden yet so welcomed, making the transition between the two moments not disorienting. It's extremely catchy, and is just one of those songs that represents not only Sonic as a franchise, but Sonic Colors as a game.

I hope this was enjoyed, because it was fun listening to. Kinda random list, so I'm not surprised if it's not all for you.

Aww Yeah!


I do lots of writing, but also dabble in videos.


I write about whatever I want, but it's mostly games.


Also, excellent taste in VGM.

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